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Exchange of medical data

The exchange of medical data between GP and After Hours Medical Clinic

In order to be able to provide you with sound medical advice, it is important that your data can be requested from your GP. Therefore, Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic exchanges a limited amount of medical data with GPs. This enables the doctors at the After Hours Medical Clinic to treat patients more effectively.

Summary of the file

Your GP keeps a file on every patient in his practice. This file contains all your medical data. Some of this data can be requested directly by the doctor in attendance at the After Hours Medical Clinic. This does not concern the entire file; only a summary. The summary contains the following data:

  • your full name and address
  • the name of your health insurance company
  • the name of your GP
  • an overview of disorders, diseases and complaints that you have or have had\
  • an overview of the medication that you are currently being prescribed
  • an overview of the medication that you are known not to be able to tolerate
  • information about allergies and other insensitivities
  • an overview of recently performed examinations and referrals to specialists

Inspection and privacy

The patient interest organisations and GPs have agreed that the summary of your medical file may be inspected at the After Hours Medical Clinic. This information is strictly confidential. The doctors are bound by medical confidentiality and the doctor’s assistants at the medical centre are equally bound by medical confidentiality.

If you don’t agree….

You may raise an objection if you do not want the summary of your medical file to be available at the After Hours Medical Clinic. You can indicate this at your own doctor’s surgery by filling in a form. Please note: this form is a different from the form from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports’ enabling you to object to your medical data being recorded in the National Electronic Health Record (Landelijk Elektronisch Patiëntendossier, or EPD).

Your own GP will be kept informed

If you have contacted the medical centre (this may also concern telephone contact), your own GP will always receive a report on this, detailing for example which advice has been given, or which disease or injury has been recorded by the doctor at the After Hours Medical Clinic. It will also state which medication has been prescribed, if any. For questions about the exchange of information, please contact the secretary’s office of the Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic or your own GP during the day.