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Personal data

Privacy notice

After hours Medical Clinic Stichting Huisartesnpost Amstelland and your personal data

At Stichting Huisartsenpost Amstelland (SHA) we aim to provide you with the highest quality healthcare. In order to be able to provide an optimal service, employees of the SHA wil record certain personal data. This privacy statement provides a summary of how we use this information. Stichting huisartsenpost Amstelland, which is our legal name, uses personal and confidential information for a number of purposes. This information is not only your name, date of birth and medical information, but also telphone calls between the triage nurse and the doctor. To protect your privacy SHA processes your personal information fairly and lawfully.

Law of Confidentiality

According to the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (Wet op de Geneeskundige Behandelingsovereenkomst or WGBO) every doctor and his employees must treat your information confidential. This means that they may only share information with other doctors and medical personnel who are treating you at that time. In all other cases, the doctor must ask your permission to pass on information from your medical file. 

Rights for individuals

Since May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR) has been in force. This law enforces certain publications upon organisations and gives you as a patient certain rights. If you wish to ask the SHA about a data protection issue, request infromation on data we process, request a copy of your data, make a request for data to be erased, rectified or you have concerns about the processing of your personal data by us you may contact the secretary of SHA.

The GDPR provides the following rights for individuals:

The right to be informed. With this document we inform you about your privacy rights;

The right of access. You have the right to access your personal data;

The right to rectification. You have the right to rectify if we process your data incorrect;

The right to erasure. Certain data we can erase upon request, others we cannot erase. For example, we cannot erase your appointment since we have to send financial invoices according to Dutch Law;

The right to restrict processing;

The right of data portability;

The right to object. 

What type of personal data do we process?

  • Personal details and other identifiers: Name, maiden name, initials, title, address, zipcode residence, date of birth, gender, telephone number, personal general practitioner if available;
  • Financiel and administrative information: Insurance details, burger service number (BSN), treating physician, type of consult (telephone, visit at home of visit at the SHA), address where we can contact you.
  • Medical details: Results of consultation with triage, results of research performed at SHA of diagnosis by physician, use of medication.

What do we use your personal data for?

Your personal details and other identifiers are registered to:

have all the information necessary for assessing your needs and for making decisions with you about your care, notify your own phycision about the traetment you have received, provide other professionals if you move to another area, need to use another service or see a different healthcare professional.

Financial and administrative information are registered to:

send an invoice to your health insurance.

Audio recordings are being made:

so that the course of a telphone cenversation can be checked in the event of a complaint of confusion. So that the quality of telephone conversations with assistants/doctors can be assessed and, where neccessary, improved by means of training.

At the SHA we have camera’s in order to:

ensure the safety of patients and employees and to keep an eye on your health situation and the health situation of other patients.

Despersonalised data:

can be used for medical research and statistics.

Security and period of retention of your personal data

Your personal data is being kept safely by SHA. Retention period is fifteen years by Dutch Law. Camera images are kept in retention for a period of 7X24 hours.

Who can look into your personal data?

During the period you are treated, the physician on duty and the triagist have access to your personal data. In protocols and working procedures we state who is allowed entrance to your personal data. All employees involved have signed a statement of confidentiality.

Insight in your medical files

The medical file is important for both your regular physician and the SHA. A link has been made between the physician in the region and the SHA. Through this link a physician at SHA can see a summary of your medical file. In order to do so, you have to give a written permission at your regular  physician. Only then SHA can see a summary of your medical file, in order to provide you with the best care possible. SHA does not keep this summary, SHA can only look into this summary while you are at SHA.

Any complaint about privacy?

If you wish to ask SHA about a data protection issue, request information on data we process, request a copy of your data, make a request for data to be erased, rectified or you have concerns about the processing of your personal data by us you may contact us at: 

Stichting huisartsenpost Amstelland, Laan van de Helende Meesters 8, 1186 Am Amstelveen

tel: 020-4562006

If this doesn’t work out you can file a complaint at the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, Postbus 93374, 2509 AJ Den Haag. Tel: 088-1805250. Website: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl

Data protection officer: according to the GDPR SHA has a Data Protection Officer in function. When you have any questions concerning privacy you can contact her at: anat.fuldauer@huisartsenpost-amstelland.nl