
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic

  • Address of Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic Laan van de Helende Meesters 8
  • Zip code of Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic 1186 AM Amstelveen
  • Phone number of Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic 020 - 456 2000 for emergencies in the evening / night and on weekends
  • Contact with our administration during office hours?
  • Administration number of Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic 020-4562006
  • Route description Do not come to the GP emergency post without an appointment


Workdays: from 5pm to 8am the following day

Fridays: from 5pm to 8am the following Monday

On national holidays: from 5pm the day before to 8am the day after

The After Hours Medical Clinic is closed on workdays during office hours. Please contact your own GP or his/her locum for medical questions during these times.

Google maps image for Amstelland After Hours Medical Clinic


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